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Renewable material for modern home wall construction – wood.
The houses we build have a timber frame.
Forests in the European Union cover around 159 million hectares.
Approximately 2/3 of the mass of trees that grows is logged annually – so the mass of trees in Europe is increasing.
The area of forest in the EU increased by almost 10 % in 1990-2020; with the largest relative increase in Ireland (by 69 %) and largest absolute increase in Spain (by 4.7 million ha). (
In a year, more than 500,000,000 m³ of trees are logged in the European Union. This gives:
- 1,369,860 m³ per day
- 57,077 m³ per hour
- 951 m³ per minute
- 16 m³ per second – which is more than enough for the entire frame of a single-family house.
In the same time in Ireland, approximately 2,738,000 m³ are cut in Ireland:
- 7,500 m³ per day
- 312 m³ per hour
- 5.2 m³ per minute – so from the timber harvested in Ireland, we will have the material to build a house in less than 3 minutes.
Timber and forests are increasing in number, in addition to growing they accumulate CO².
Also in the wood of each of our houses 12 – 19 tonnes of CO² are stored.